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Pyrite Crystal Raw {Rough}

Pyrite Crystal Raw {Rough}

Regular price Rs. 7,000.00
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  • Rough pyrite typically has a metallic, smooth to slightly uneven surface with angular or cubic crystal shapes.
  • Pyrite is most commonly metallic gold or brass yellow in color, with a shiny, reflective surface. The raw stone can sometimes have slight tarnishing, causing darker areas or iridescent hues (greenish or bluish) that result from oxidation.
  • Pyrite forms in distinct cubic, octahedral, or dodecahedral crystal shapes, giving it a very geometric and orderly appearance. Rough pyrite pieces may still show the outlines of these shapes, especially the cubic crystals.
  • The surface of raw pyrite can be reflective and shiny, due to its metallic luster. When the light hits the stone at the right angle, it will sparkle and shine, mimicking the look of gold.
  • The stone can also have natural fractures or small pits and crevices on the surface, especially in larger pieces where mineral growth was interrupted or uneven.
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