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Quartz Crystal- Serra Do Cabral Mountains - Pinkish Hue,

Quartz Crystal- Serra Do Cabral Mountains - Pinkish Hue,

Regular price Rs. 24,500.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 24,500.00
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These crystals grow in very dynamic, changing environments. Exposed to high temperature water solutions as times, and steady growth at others. These crystals are perfect tools for trauma healing, self discovery/expression, and dealing with abrupt life changes. The synthesis of the integrated / geometric forms of the crystal lattice and the chaotic flow of the imprint of the melting solution reminds us to change, adapt, and heal under life's pressures. The contrast between rigid geometric planes, and flowing edges and glyphs is quite unique, and brings to mind the duality of the universe and the Self. Etched crystals are said in lore to be encoded with a variety of information. Many of these crystals display trigons, record keepers, and unique textures. The incredible, and detailed textures can be hard to capture fully on camera, and these crystals truly come to life in person.

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